No More Visitations?

No More Visitations?
It isn’t bad enough that visitations must be in public places, but, now the Master Guardian wants to stop them all together?
Come on!
Justice IS blind!
On August 6, 2020, Master guardian Steven Hockenberry filed a petition with the Washoe County Adult Probation Court to stop all visitations between Casey and his family.
Even state prisoners get visitations!
It wasn’t bad enough that the visitations were not private. The phone calls with his family are not private – AND VERY SHORT!
Hockenberry wants to isolate Casey from his family completely!
Can you believe this guy is a CERTIFIED MASTER GUARDIAN???
He supposedly took classes on how to treat wards with respect and dignity. To make sure they have a quality life. To make sure they have friends.
What. A. Joke.
Also – Hockenberry is a Mental Health Counselor.
No more visitations!
It is documented that the mental state of an individual is better when the individual has a good relationship with family and friends.
Hockenberry wants to isolate Casey – how is this good for his mental health? How is this good for his family’s mental health?
Would you want this guy messing with your mental health?
What. A. Jerk.
Casey’s mother did not agree with Mr. Steven Hockenberry, the certified Master Guardian’s, mandate that no pictures or recordings can be made while visiting Casey in public places UNLESS he agreed to it.
Doesn’t matter if Casey says it is okay to take a picture. Mr Hockenberry needs to approve it.
No rights. Casey has NO RIGHTS!
Casey cannot go to church. His religious rights are denied.
Casey cannot see his family – slavery – that is what Casey is – a slave.
Worse – a paycheck!
Abuse and neglect is proven through photographs and recordings of Casey stating he wants to go home with his family.
Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada loses $19,000.00 a month for Casey, his Medicare and his Medicaid.
Can’t have that. Steven’s buddy Patience – will have to file for bankruptcy AGAIN.
Found out Patience is a Licensed Medical Doctor – so she would be proven negligent.
Forget about Casey. Patience MUST be kept in business!
Why isn’t Mr. Hockenberry Patience’s guardian. He seems to care more about her than Casey.
What gall! Why is this guy a certified guardian? All they ALL like this?