Communism Is Here – In Nevada!

Communism Is Here – In Nevada!
Yes – you heard me right!
I read the book by Josyp Terelya – ‘Josyp Terelya: Witness To Apparitions and Persecution in the USSR : An Autobiography’ written by Michael Brown.
Josyp described communism in full, gory, horrible detail. People imprisoned in camps with no visitations – no contact with loved ones.
No one knew they were even alive!
To begin with – the food
No nutritional value
Consequently, rapid weight loss and often death came to those ‘kept’ in the camps.
Above all, the goal of Russia was to silence the opposition by eliminating those who were vocal about their BASIC. HUMAN. RIGHTS.
Casey’s mom was vocal. The communist government of Nevada silenced her by taking her son and imprisoning him to the prison camp – Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada
In addition, the payment to shut people up – $19,000.00 a month per person. Interesting that Casey is their prize asset. I calculated a yearly income for one person (like Casey) –
19,000 * 12 = 228,000
Now – look at the income for the prison below:
‘…Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada is estimated to generate $219,667 in annual revenues, and employs approximately 6 people at this single location. This is a women owned and operated business.’
Take out the taxes and their asset – Casey – is payment to keep them open.
If the the goal of communism was to equalize payment and status of all people, then the lie is that the higher you rank in the government and military, the higher the payment and the more luxury gain.
Above all, to obtain such status in a communist government, brutality and torture are key. Keep everyone in line.
Am I being extreme?
Why mandates for extremely limited visitations and phone calls with Casey and his family?
Why are photographs and recordings forbidden?
Similarly, these are how the political prisoners in Russia and their families are controlled.
In addition, freedom; humane treatment; family visitations – not allowed.
The communist government representative, Steven Hockenberry, is key. This mental health counselor trained in mental torture and anguish. A person who knows – really knows – how to inflict pain.
Yes – Communism Is Here – In Nevada!
Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?