And Now DNA Testing ????
And Now DNA Testing ????
Patience Aiyuk, Prison Guard of Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada, is now doing Paternity tests!
Check it out!
American-PaternityTHAT’S why they moved Casey to another Group Home – or did they?
The first move was to a rental. No medical care.
The second move was to another rental and still no medical care.
The rentals are allegedly under the umbrella of the PRISON.
Sorry, but a rental does not equal a group home.
A group home receiving over $19,500.00 a month to provide medical care for Casey
Casey, their paycheck, WHO NO LONGER RESIDES THERE
I guess $19,500 PLUS a month is not enough.
The PRISON needs more money!
More people need to get paid off!
Casey’s mom is making too much noise about him!
Can’t apply for a legit loan though.
Hey COVID-19 – the Paycheck Protection Program!
The feds will not give a loan to a group home
Gotta find a way – hey – the government is way too busy to check every loan applied for, right?
Oh well, no biggy – perjured themselves already and got away with it.
Why not again?
The evidence, however, this time, is more readily available to the taxpayers who are paying for this fraud.
The fraudulent loan application for Paycheck Protection below:
Fraudulent-LoanThe prison lied to the court and they believed it.
So, why not lie to the federal government?
That is how so much fraud is happening.
Do it once – get what you want.
SECOND-Fraudulent-AppIt is all about the money!
The prison does not care about Casey.
The MASTER does not care about Casey.
He is alone.
His family is up against a corrupt system.
Proof has been given.
Fraudulent Paycheck protection.
And Now DNA Testing ????
Whoever uses the DNA Paternity services will be ripped off as well.
A wrong test result can be very damaging.
And fraud is also rampant with DNA services