Would YOU Eat THIS?

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Would you eat this – this slop they feed to Casey?

The prison slop they call FOOD! Really?

State and federal prisoners have the right to sue.



No privacy. A phone call. It is his sister.

This is what happens:

A woman answers the phone – NOT Casey.

His sister asks to speak to Casey.

The woman replies “one moment” and hands the phone to Casey saying “Go ahead and just say ‘hi, bye and I love you’ and then hang up”.

He. Cannot. Even. Say. What. He. Wants.

Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada – gets creative in how they feed their prisoners.

Would You Eat This? Pigs Get Fed Better

Dogs. Get. Fed. Better.

The reason he is losing weight – SLOP! RAW MEAT! BURNED OATMEAL!

That is all he gets.

So he doesn’t eat? So what? He is nothing but a prisoner.

A prisoner Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada Gets Paid VERY. WELL. FOR.

Nineteen thousand dollars a month ($19,000.00) – Casey’s Medicare and Medicaid.

Group homes are not regulated in Nevada. They can abuse, neglect, isolated and kill – no one would know about it.

The isolation guarantees this.

Monitored visitations take care of this.

No. One. Knows. No One. Cares.

Wait! Patience DOES care!

If Casey wasn’t there – SHE WOULD LOSE ALL THAT MONEY!

The court is lied to.

‘His family is poisoning him.’ Look at the picture below: Does this look like someone who would poison someone?

Would She ‘Poison’ Casey?

Another lie in the case manager’s investigative report.

Casey has no legal representation – even though the law requires it. Check out the link https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NRS/NRS-159.html

The media has been notified about this travesty. Guess Casey’s life DOES NOT MATTER.


Every. Life Matters. No matter what race, color, creed or religion. Sound familiar?

Civil rights within the United States include:

protection from discrimination

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark civil rights and labor law in the United States that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

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Casey. Has. NO. RIGHTS.
