What the Hell? Are They Out of Their Mind?

What the Hell? Are They Out of Their Mind?
Multiple Tests.
On Casey.
Guess they’re worried about losing Casey’s medicare!
The prison’s monthly income will dwindle if they lose Casey’s medicare. I mean, they need MORE than the $19,000.00 they get a month now for him.
Everyone deserves a raise, right?
The MASTER must be losing business.
And Christmas did drain their pockets a bit, huh?
Nothing for Casey though.
He can’t see his family for Christmas. No presents – he is not one of THEIR relatives
But, hey – what slave really is considered a relative?
The frequent urgent care trips at first helped.
What the Hell? Are They Out of Their Mind?
Do they not know how rampant COVID 19 is? Why so many tests and doctor visits?
Yeah – more proof is needed.
They need to prove Casey is getting treatment they said he was.
So send him to the doctors for proof he needs the medicare.
Hey!? Maybe CMS actually did something?
Casey is a slave so the ‘tests’ cannot be to show the world they care!
I mean really? What the Hell? Are They Out of Their Mind?
No rights, no family on holidays and special occasions.
They don’t care about Casey.
It is all about the money they get for him
Remember – he is their asset.
Their meal ticket.
That’s all
It’s business
Who licensed these people as care givers anyway?
Casey is indigent.
So why a public, certified MASTER guardian?
There is NO money to oversee
Did Casey get get money from the government’s COVID relief package?
Is HE getting it or is his MASTER and the Warden getting Casey’s money?
Who took Casey’s place to vote? The MASTER or the warden?
Did they vote for their choice or Casey’s?
Casey IS a slave
He has no rights – they used HIS vote to double theirs!
Maybe it’s something more…
This site gets hacked by SINGAPORE, INDONESIA….
Maybe the warden is working with China and the money received helps them.
The government has been contacted.
The veterans may not care, but new employees, starting their career, they DO care.
Newbies look for ways to make their name – that ONE case that breaks open a HUGE can of worms!
The MASTER and the warden need to take care.
BIG BROTHER is watching, whether they know it or not
Better yet, MASTER – keep holding Casey and his family hostage.
People like you ALWAYS get what they deserve.