Scandalous Sale Made Legal!

Scandalous Sale Made Legal!
Yes. You read it correctly. Certified Guardians make human trafficking legal.
The Department of Homeland Security focuses its effort on stopping the use of human beings.
Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor.
Forced labor defined by the International Labor Organization is “all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily”.
How does a certified guardian compare to a human trafficker?
The certification is obtain to gain control of the assets of the ward.
No care giving experience is necessary.
Only knowledge of the system and how to work it.
So, find a group home or prison.
Like Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada.
They earn $19,000.00 a month initially to ‘shelter’ a ‘ward’.
Then find a ‘ward’ like Casey who cannot speak for himself.
Strike a deal with the ‘prison’.
The ‘ward’ is sentenced to life without parole to the prison to seal the deal.
Then, the slave, or ‘ward’, has no connection with their family.
Their family makes some noise and the ward, or slave, is unable to free himself from the prison.
He is punished by isolation, neglect and abuse.
You see, the certified guardian is the only voice heard at hearings regarding this issue, nothing is done to free him.
Nothing can be done.
The system is broken.
Slavery – human trafficking – is legal again.
A Scandalous Sale Made Legal.
Sad thing is, the certified guardian in this case, Steven Hockenberry, is a mental health counselor.
He should know how this situation would impact the mental health of the ward and his family.
He knows.
And. He. Does. Not. Care.
Casey is his free ride.
Good money here.
So what about the possibility of losing my license?
No one can touch me.
Steven Hockenberry, Casey’s MASTER.
Casey’s MASTER Guardian!