Master Guardian
Master Guardian.
There really is such a thing.
The synonym is Master Manipulator.
A master guardian needs to have been a guardian for a long time.
So experience is part of the qualification.
Experience in how the system works.
Never get a Master Guardian. You will lose your loved one.
The Center for Guardianship Certification (CGC.) Their definition of a guardian is:
‘The professional guardian is an advocate and acts on behalf of the incapacitated person only to the extent of the court order.’
Guess Hockenberry didn’t get the memo.
They have a scary disclaimer though.
‘… the court that appointed the guardian has the sole authority to remove the guardian from a particular case.’
CGC can only review complaints and discipline a certificant in accordance with the organization’s Rules & Regulations.
NGA Standards MUST BE FOLLOWED to maintain certification.
To wit:
‘NGA Standard 4 – The Guardian’s Relationship with Family Members and Friends of the Person
I. The guardian shall promote social interactions and meaningful relationships consistent with the preferences of the person under guardianship.’
National Guardianship Association Ethical Principals:
National Guardianship Association Ethical Principles
1. A guardian treats the person with dignity. (Standard 3)
2. A guardian involves the person to the greatest extent possible in all decision making. (Standard 9)
3. A guardian selects the option that places the least restrictions on the person’s freedom and rights. (Standard 8)
4. A guardian identifies and advocates for the person’s goals, needs, and preferences. (Standard 7)
5. A guardian maximizes the self-reliance and independence of the person. (Standard 9)
6. A guardian keeps confidential the affairs of the person. (Standard 11)
7. A guardian avoids conflicts of interest and self-dealing. (Standard 16)
8. A guardian complies with all laws and court orders. (Standard 2)
9. A guardian manages all financial matters carefully. (Standard 18)
10. A guardian respects that the money and property being managed belong to the person. (Standard 17)
A guardian avoids conflicts of interest and self-dealing. (Standard 16)
How about that friendship with the prison’s director – MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST THERE!
Also – to get the MASTER certification; Steven Hockenberry HAD to be case manager:
‘Serving in a position of making decisions
(i) as a court-appointed guardian,
(ii) as agent for a court-appointed guardian or
(iii) in a supervisory capacity over a court-appointed guardian.
In all three circumstances, the guardian must be serving two or more wards unrelated to each other;’
Wonder who the other poor soul is….