How is THIS better?

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How is THIS better?

Casey is trying so very hard to keep from getting sick so the call with his mom would not be ended. His mom kept telling him it was okay and the call could be stopped. According to the Public Guardian Case Manager, Steven Hockenberry, he is well and very healthy…guess he is still breathing so they will be able to continue getting that paycheck…

They get $19,000.00 a month for ‘helping’ Casey and he has THESE glasses?
Look at how thin he is!

How is THIS better?

Britney Spears was living in luxury compared to this!

Her name and her public image is what got the attention of the press!

That is why she is FREE and Casey is still in prison!!

When will they regulate group homes?

Why is the age of Casey limiting legislative action to HELP him?

If he was 80 – well – THAT would be different!

But, he is young – a disabled young adult – who the system has forgotten!


Britney Spears was ‘disabled’! She got free!

Is it because Casey is a young, unknown man?

Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada has committed fraud – twice – against the federal government.


Proof is in this blog!

So what would make the STATE government think they would not defraud them?

Are they blind?

Or ignorant?

Casey is not a public figure.

He is not famous.

A young disabled man

Incarcerated in a group home called Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada.

A place the State of Nevada sentenced him to.

Exactly like April Parks

Parks – appointed guardian to hundreds of elderly or disabled clients, called “wards.”

The court approved the guardianship and the wards were taken from their home

Given control over their finances.

Parks used that power to drain her victims’ bank accounts and isolate them from their families.

Justice. Denied.
