A Liar. An Investigator.
A Liar. A Case Manager. An Investigator.
Now a MASTER Public Guardian!
Steven Hockenberry – Master Guardian – Washoe County …
Steven Hockenberry Master Guardian at Washoe County Reno, Nevada Area Government Administration
- Title: Master Guardian at Washoe County
- Location: Reno, Nevada
Look at this letter, presented to the Nevada Senate on Judiciary, dated February 26, 2019, below:
“Dedicated To Excellence in Public Service”
PO Box 12310
Reno, NV 89510
Phone: 775-674-8800
Fax: 775-674-8850
Regarding SB 121
Thank you for this time to address you this morning.
The Washoe County Public Guardian’s Office objects to the expansion of the investigatory authority for Public guardians as proposed in SB 121, Section 7.
If SB 121, section 7 is adopted, the Washoe County Public Guardian’s office will require more staff to meet this need. We are overwhelmed with managing the guardianships where we have already been appointed.
Not so ‘Overwhelmed’.
They file deceitful investigative reports
They RIP families apart.
The cost to the county for the additional staff we find to be equal to or greater than $269,955.62 per year at a minimum based on the type of professionals required.
The purpose of this legislation is unclear. One can assume the purpose is to investigate the need and scope for the intervention of a legal guardian, but the language is not clear in that respect. It proposes the authority for investigation for a “Potential Protected Person” but does not contemplate a definition.
In addition, Elder Protective Services already has the authority to access financial and medical records.
The Washoe County Public Guardian’s Office does not investigate allegations of abuse and neglect as that is the purview of law enforcement and Elder Protective Services. The case managers in our office are not hired as criminal investigators; nor do we have any other employee who is qualified for such a task. The Class Specifications for a Guardian Case Manager, for instance, does not reference completing an investigation as is contemplated with this legislation.
If the purpose of this legislation is to determine the scope of a guardianship and propose a plan for a guardianship, the courts already have the power to appoint a Public Guardian for such a determination and the Second Judicial District Court do so regularly.
We also can’t imagine, given the workload we have, that any investigation would be done in a timely manner.
Yeah. Right.
Those for whom we already serve as guardian would have to come first in prioritizing the work of our office.
Casey does not matter to him.
Serious concerns arise in situations involving a state actor invading an individual’s liberty interests and privacy based on a third party referral which occurs outside of court processes. Section 7 of SB121 contemplates the authority for a government actor to side step due process of an individual with no Judicial oversight.
Even Law Enforcement does not have the ability to do so without due process in the form of a Search Warrant.
It would seem that given the recent challenges to guardianships, resulting in a Guardianship Commission that more Judicial oversight would be necessary, not less.
Without specific limiting language, this legislation has implications for populations far broader than individuals over the age of 60.
This specific statute already gives a Public Guardian the right to investigate when appointed as a legal guardian.
Why No Investigation ????
The authority includes the “personal and family history” which may include information of the subject of the investigation but also the relationship and affairs of those related to or familiar with the subject as well in the form of shared residences and shared financial accounts.
With this additional language, a Public Guardian could by association investigate family and friends, again with no particular legal instrument and based solely on the referral of a third party. In addition, the records of a Public Guardian are public.
Those of other state agencies such as Elder Protective Services are maintained as confidential and not subject to a public records request or for filing with the court.
This creates a significant liability to the county.
So how can Hockenberry be a Case Manager AND Deputy Public Guardian?
So. Little. Time.
The broadening authorities in Section 7 of SB121 are a clear breach of the liberty interests of individuals living in Nevada. It is an over reach of the authority of a Public Guardian and will tax the budgets of Public Guardian’s offices statewide.
Again, thank you for your time this morning.
Steven Hockenberry, MS
Deputy Public Guardian
CGC National Master Guardian
The Public Guardian, Tracey Bowles, NEVER INVESTIGATED.
Hockenberry FOUND THE TIME to write the FRAUDULENT Investigative report.
The report used as evidence to rip Casey from his family.
October, 2019.