Wrongs Slow To Be Made Right….

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Wrongs Slow To Be Made Right….

Casey is sentenced to prison in 5 minutes

His appeal – 2 months and counting.

No action!

The legal system will not admit mistakes.

The Permanent Guardianship Commission was formed.

It gave people hope!

It would end guardianship atrocities.


A Nevada Supreme Court justice is a member of the Permanent Guardianship Commission in Nevada

Maybe THAT’S why the appeal is taking so long.

Laws violated by a court under the nose of a member of the Nevada Supreme court.

Talk about egg on the face!

This is a rotten egg on the face!

A noble cause sullied by greed!

How often will this happen before they GET A CLUE?!

The commission even fooled news agencies

The commission is in place to shut abused and neglected people up.


Then, ‘certified’ guardians like Steven Hockenberry, April Parks, and Lisa M. Bayer-Day, required by the court to obtain control of disabled adults.

They say justice is blind, but this is ridiculous!

Wrongs Slowly Righted….

Casey sentenced to prison – 5 minutes.

Lisa M. Bayer-Day – 18-months to convict.

April Parks – 4 year investigation

No investigation on Steven Hockenberry – yet.

Wonder why?

What about Casey’s prison. Creative Possibilities of Northern Nevada?

You know – the group ‘home’ whose director, Patience Aiyuk, has an alias for any occasion.

Wrongs Slow To Be Made Right….

A prison is not a home. It is a place for people who broke the law.

Casey did not break a law.

So, why is he in prison? Why limited freedom? Why no BASIC. HUMAN. RIGHTS? Why are his rights as an American violated?

