A Word To The Wise….

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A Word To The Wise ….

The Center for Certified Guardianship certified April Parks.

District Judge Tierra Jones sentenced April Parks to prison for 16 to 40 years on Friday, Jan. 4, 2019.

The CGC ‘censored’ Ms. Parks for ‘failure to renew’.


The Center for Certified Guardianship certified Lisa M. Bayer-Day

Lisa Bayer-Day pleaded not guilty to the 81 charges against her.

70 are felony counts of criminal mistreatment.

Police arrested Bayer-Day on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015.

She is a court-appointed guardian.

Her ‘wards’ ?

People suffering from mental health problems.

The CGC ‘revoked the certification’ of Ms. Bayer-Day

NOW her certification status is ‘Ineligible’.

Guess April Parks did not abuse enough people.

AND the Center for Certified Guardianship certified Steven Hockenberry.

A member of the National Guardian Association posted this comment in the NASGA blog:

‘I don’t care if you call them CGC certified, NGA guardians, Master Guardians, whatever…’

‘…they are human beings with license to steal and even murder in some cases.

According to the CGC’s or NGA’s study material, one of two reasons guardianship started years ago is to protect one’s asset for heirs.

Assets are squandered by some “professional guardians/thieves” fighting to keep their prisoner at all costs.

Should they be protected by the NGA?

The court system??

They. Are.


A Member Speaks


‘As a member of NGA myself I speak with experience…’.

‘Several of my questions on (sic) the NGA’s blog site were not posted…’

‘I asked how many of the NGA members truly wanted to be accountable to the courts. ‘

No answer.

‘…They fear opening that can of worms!’

To begin with, the only requirement for NGA membership is 18 years or older with no felony convictions.

Disciplined guardians are found here.

Disciplinary actions require one thing.

Conviction of the heinous crimes.

Certified guardians are not licensed care providers.

By contrast, they are poisonous, venomous, deadly snakes

Their certification gives permission.

Permission to victimize, enslave, abuse and neglect.

The certification blinds the court

No justice.

Only the ‘certification’ matters

As a result the court legally gives – sells – the person and personal property.

To certified guardians.

Or slave owners.


MASTER guardian

A word to the wise….

“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is exercised under  cover of law,  and with the colors of justice …”   –   U.S. v. Jannotti, 673 F.2d 578, 614 (3d Cir. 1982)
